DanceMix Beginner Continuation
DanceMix Beginner Continuation

DanceMix Beginner Continuation

Regular price 159,00 € Sale price 119,00 €
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Autumn term 22.8.-11.12.2022 (15 weeks)

Dancemix Beginners 11-15 years.

Directors: Tiia

Lesson duration: 55 minutes
Time: Tuesdays at 18:00

As the name already suggests, Dancemix classes mix together a wide variety of dance styles; you get to try, for example, hip-hop, pop, disco dance, dancehall, commercial, etc.. In these classes, only the sky is the limit.

You can register for this course if you have a previous dance or physical education background.

For equipment for the class you need:

  • casual clothing
  • shoes suitable for indoor use
  • and a drinking bottle